[Level 5] 282:  🤖  我唔係鹹濕仔 – I Am Not a Lustful Guy – 9/15

Image 1 for story 00282
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character size:
romanization: Yale jyutping
show romanization: revealed hidden
show glosses: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

aa3 aa3 baa4 baa4
duk6 duk6 syu1 syu1
m4 m4 do1 do1
zi6 zi6 sai3 sai3
gan1 gan1
gan1 gan1 suk1 suk1
hoi1 hoi1
bou3 bou3 zi2 zi2 dong3 dong3
ngo5 ngo5
zing6 zing6 hai6 hai6
sik1 sik1
hoi1 hoi1 dong3 dong3
gaa3 gaa3 zaa3 zaa3
        speed:   100%
🤖 My dad doesn't read much, and I opened a newsstand with Uncle Gen since I was a child, and I can only do business.

hou2 hou2 do1 do1
nin4 nin4
ngo5 ngo5
dou1 dou1
mou5 mou5
zoi3 zoi3
maai6 maai6
go2 go2 di1 di1
jiu3 jiu3
jung6 jung6
gaau1 gaau1
tou3 tou3
fung1 fung1
zyu6 zyu6
ge3 ge3
syu1 syu1
laa3 laa3
nei5 nei5
zi1 zi1 dou3 dou3
gaa3 gaa3
hai6 hai6 mai6 mai6
        speed:   100%
🤖 I haven't sold books that have to be sealed in plastic sleeves for years, you know, haven't I?

gam2 gam2
ni1 ni1 di1 di1
zaap6 zaap6 zi3 zi3
dou1 dou1
zi2 zi2 hai6 hai6
haan4 haan4
syu1 syu1
lei4 lei4
ze1 ze1
mou5 mou5
mat1 mat1 je5 je5
ge3 ge3
zaan6 zaan6 cin2 cin2
aa1 aa1 maa3 maa3
hou2 hou2 do1 do1
jan4 jan4
maai5 maai5
lei4 lei4
tai2 tai2
gaa3 gaa3
        speed:   100%
🤖 These magazines ... It's just an idle book, nothing ... It's a lot of money, a lot of people buy it..."

aa3 aa3 baa4 baa4
seoi1 seoi1 jin4 jin4
duk6 duk6 syu1 syu1
m4 m4 do1 do1
ngoi6 ngoi6 biu2 biu2
jau6 jau6
cou1 cou1 lou5 lou5
jau6 jau6
wui5 wui5
gan1 gan1
pang4 pang4 jau5 jau5
maai5 maai5 haa5 haa5
maa5 maa5
daan6 daan6 hai6 hai6
keoi5 keoi5
hou2 hou2 siu2 siu2
juk1 juk1 sau2 sau2 juk1 juk1 goek3 goek3
daa2 daa2
jan4 jan4
cou1 cou1 hau2 hau2
dou1 dou1
m4 m4 do1 do1
geoi3 geoi3
zung6 zung6
seng4 seng4 jat6 jat6
tung4 tung4
ngo5 ngo5
gong2 gong2 dou6 dou6 lei5 lei5
hou2 hou2 do1 do1
jan4 jan4
dou1 dou1
giu3 giu3
keoi5 keoi5
zou6 zou6
si1 si1 man4 man4
bou3 bou3 zi2 zi2 lou2 lou2
        speed:   100%
🤖 Although my father didn't read much, his appearance was rude, and he would buy horses with friends, he rarely beat people with his hands and feet, didn't say much dirty words, and often reasoned with me, and many people called him a Sven newspaperman.

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