Anki flashcard decks for HamBaangLaang

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What is Anki and how to get started?

Anki is a flashcard program, a learning program whose main focus is repetition, showing the same information again and again until it sticks. It follows a spaced repetition algorithm that adapts to feedback given by the user to optimize the learning effect.

In addition to static content (text and images), Anki supports audio and video and generally dynamic content (like stroke animations) and is highly customizable. Anki is not a single program but consists of the following ecosystem:
Anki (Desktop)
for Windows, macOS, Linux; free
for Android phones/tablets; free
for iPhones/iPads; US$24.99
online platform for synchronization and deck sharing; free
In addition to installing Anki for your preferred device, we highly recommend registering for AnkiWeb and linking the program to that account. It's free of charge and synchronizes among different devices, saves any progress, etc. If you need help, here are the main resources:
Note: When downloading the package files, it may happen that the browser automatically adds a .zip extension. So instead of, for example, 00145.apkg the file would be named If that happens, just rename the file without the .zip extension (there might be a warning, but this can be ignored), and "Import" the file from within, for example, AnkiDroid. This should do the trick.
If problems persist, please get in touch:

Some words on the decks, layout, etc.

The decks basically consist of the glosses of the stories with the words sorted by their appearance in the text. The cards are Cantonese-to-English followed by English-to-Cantonese. Special features of the cards: Finally, if you prefer a "night mode" style of the cards, you can change this easily with Anki (Desktop) by going to "Tools" → "Manage Note Types" → choose "chinvocab_HBL" → "Cards" → go to "Styling". Then change the first lines from
:root {
--colBackgr: white;
--colTxt: black;
--colOutl: lightgray;
--colStroke: black;
/* for night mode just uncomment the following: */
--colBackgr: #2f2f31;
--colTxt: white;
--colOutl: gray;
--colStroke: white;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
--colBtn1: #2196F3;
--colBtn2: #ccc;
:root {
--colBackgr: white;
--colTxt: black;
--colOutl: lightgray;
--colStroke: black;
/* for night mode just uncomment the following: */
--colBackgr: #2f2f31;
--colTxt: white;
--colOutl: gray;
--colStroke: white;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
--colBtn1: #2196F3;
--colBtn2: #ccc;
and the styling of the cards will change to night mode.


Note that every deck is also available from the respective story page; the following list is just for reference.
HBL 001-025
001: 出街玩 – A Trip Downtown
002: 個個都唔一樣 – Flowers of One Garden
003: 藍藍同黃色大門 – Milly and the Rabbit King
004: 哮喘發作 – FIRST AID – Asthma Attack
005: 流血 – FIRST AID – Bleeding
006: 揸巴士嘅彩虹恐龍 – The Rainbow Dinosaur who Drives a Bus
007: 早晨 – Never Give Up!
008: 星期日嘅沙灘 – A Visit to the Beach on Sunday
010: 出街食飯 – Going Out For A Meal
011: 我唔明白 – I Do Not Understand
012: 同阿仔玩嘅一日 – A Day with My Son
013: 屋企嘅問題 – Home Problems
014: 我靚唔靚? – Am I Pretty?
015: 燒傷 – FIRST AID- Burn
016: 妮妮同哥哥去主題樂園玩 – NeiNei goes to the Theme Park
017: 哽塞 – FIRST AID- Choking
019: 九龍 – Kowloon
020: 骨折 – FIRST AID- Fracture
021: 恐龍樂園 – Dinosaur Paradise
022: 頭部受傷 – FIRST AID- Head Injury
023: 同公公婆婆食飯 – Dinner With Grandparents
024: 問路 – Asking For Direction
025: 食橙 – Orange
HBL 026-050
026: 盒 – The Box
027: 冇反應冇呼吸 – FIRST AID- Unresponsive No Breathing
028: 生日 – Happy Birthday
030: 巴士有個人跌落黎 – Someone Falling Off From A Bus
031: 冇反應有呼吸 – FIRST AID-Unresponsive With Breathing
032: 寫畀Joanna嘅情信 – Letter to Joanna
033: 屋企人 – My Family
034: 阿樂寫俾恐龍仔嘅信 – Goodbye My Friend
035: 阿樂歷險記(?) – Stronger Together
036: 鄉愁 – Homesick
037: 望 – What A Coincidence
038: 阿仔 – My Dear Son
039: 我哋要永遠喺埋一齊! – Together Forever
040: 十公主 – Ten Princesses
041: 白白 – Whitey The Cat
043: 植物王國 – Kingdom of Plants
044: 波板糖 – Lollipop
045: 唔該晒你 – Thank You Very Much
046: 唔再驚蜜蜂 – Bees Are Not Frightening
047: 婆婆今年幾歲? – How Old is Grandma?
HBL 051-075
053: 救救地球村 – Climate Change: Save Global Village
057: 簡單句子 – From The Movies
058: 中篇文本 – Little Bite Collection
059: 疫情系列 – On Covid-19
060: 短篇故事 – Mini Stories
061: 一家三口 – A Family Of Three
062: 短篇故事2 – Mini Stories - 2
064: 為幼稚園開學準備 – Shopping for Kindergarten
065: 我想揸巴士返學! – I Wanna Drive a Bus to School!
066: 幼稚園有好多嘢玩 – Learning Through Play
067: 我要做超人 – I Want To Be A Superman
HBL 101-125
101: Rani返學喇! – A School For Everyone
103: 我想要嗰個 – That One, Please!
104: 啲聲好嘈啊 – It’s Noisy!
105: 鍾意顏色嘅熊人 – The Bear who Loves Colour
106: 高啲,矮啲 – Taller, Shorter
108: 邊個叫醒到阿高 – Who Can Wake Him Up?
109: 玩乜好? – Let's Play
110: 數下有幾多動物 – Counting Animals
111: 感受天氣嘅女仔 – Weather Girl
112: 婆婆嘅芒果樹 – Grandma’s Mango Tree
113: 史先生學笑 – Sringeri Srinivas Learns to Laugh
114: 嫲嫲個菜園 – Where Are The Potatoes?
115: 新雨褸 – The New Raincoat
116: 動物背後嘅故事 – Funny Stories of Animal Kingdom
117: 水同雨 – Water and Rain
118: 太大個定太細個? – Too Big or Too Small?
119: 玩車仔 – 123 Go!
120: 媽咪講故事 – Amma’s Stories
121: 跳上太空 – Jump into Space
122: 捉伊人 – Hide-and-Seek
123: 老鼠仔同大山羊 – It's fun with friends
125: 冷線好有用 – Useful String
HBL 126-150
126: 手 – Hands
127: 手同腳 – Arms and Legs
128: 彩虹嘅顏色 – Colours of Rainbow
129: 我可以做啲咩? – What Can I Do?
130: 聖誕禮物 – Christmas Love
132: 唔好睇小螞蟻 – Looking For A New Home
133: 阿十又發白日夢 – What If
134: 唔關我事架 – Wasn't Me!
135: 豬豬飛行日記 – Pigs Can Fly
136: 咩都鬥一餐 – Let’s Compete!
137: 釣魚日記 – The one that got away
138: 奇幻旅程 – My Aunt and I
139: 小蜜蜂與大笨象 – Bee and Elephant
140: 老鼠仔要冒險 – Mouse In My House
141: 月亮與帽 – My Cap
142: 神秘的魔法石 – Magic Block
143: 等你捉到我先啦! – Come Here, Cat!
144: 好想做,唔想做 – I Do and I Don't
145: 過嚟一齊食蛋糕啊! – A Big Cake
146: 識講嘢嘅狗仔 – The Naughty Dog
147: 伏匿匿 – Lost & found
148: 我大個仔喇! – Archie Can Climb
149: 我嘅老友! – My Friends!
150: 邊個可以幫我出書 – Who Can Help?
HBL 151-175
151: 我隻狗仔係唔同啲嘅 – The Puppy and The Kitten
154: 屋企大危機 – What Is That Smell?
155: 一年一次剪頭髮 – Annual Haircut- Once Again!
156: 我係一名工程師 – I Am An Engineer
157: 我哋係一樣?定係唔一樣? – Are We Same or Different?
158: 犀利婆婆 – My Super Grandma
159: 紙船的秘密 – The Paper Boat's Secret
160: 俾個密碼嚟睇下 – What is the password?
161: 我哋之間嘅秘密 – Our Secret
162: 懶叔叔 – Lazy Uncle
163: 春日飛燕 – The Little Swallow
164: 小雲同小吉 – Wendy and Katy
165: 海底世界 – World Under The Sea
167: 數學? 難我唔到啦! – The Right Angle
168: 我讀書唔叻,但我…… – Brilliant Ying
169: 搵食 – Making Money
170: 友善 – Kindness
171: 我哋大個喇 – We Are Grown Up Now
172: 我愛睇書! – I Love Reading Books
173: 受傷與康復 – Hurt & Recover
174: 唔怕夜晚黑 – Don't Fear The Dark Night
175: 心足 – Happy Heart
HBL 176-200
176: 儲錢大計 – The Money Saving Plan
177: 謊言 – Lie
178: 鬥氣冤家 – Bone Puzzle
179: 講故人 – Storyteller
180: 動物全書機 – Magical Machine
181: 一齊嚟幫阿才手 – Come Together To Help Choi
182: 咖啡、奶茶同鴛鴦 – Coffee, Milktea and Yeunyeung
183: 生果有核 – Seeds
184: 種子銀行 – Seed Bank
185: 靚女 – Pretty Lady
186: 上有巫婆,下有怪獸 – Why Don’t Things Fall Up?
187: 校規 – School Rules and Regulations
188: 蝴蝶好靚呀 – Butterfly
189: 姐姐 – House Keeper
190: 一韻到底 – All About Rhyme
191: 讓我閃耀 – Let Me Shine
192: 大藝術家 – The Great Artist
193: 新手父母 – Newbie Parents
194: 點解? – Why?
195: 寵物 – My Pet
196: 流浪狗 – The Stray Dog
197: 演唱會 – The Concert
198: 塞車 – Traffic Jam
199: 涼茶舖嘅Happy Hour – Happy Hour at Herbal Tea Shop
200: 至like交通工具 – The Most Likeable Transportation
HBL 201-225
201: 時間,你去咗邊? – Where Does the Time Go?
202: 豬仔藏寶圖 – The Treasure Map
203: 飲茶 – Drinking Tea
204: 父「子」 – Father and ‘Son’
205: 「父」子 – ‘Father’ and Son
206: 選班長 – Class Monitor
207: 盤古開天闢地・女媧造人 – Pangu and Nu Wa
208: 八號 – Number 8
209: 河狸築巢記 – Beavers The Builders
210: 塞翁失馬,焉知非福 – Sai Weng Lost His Horse
211: 江郎才盡・夢筆生花 – Dreams of Jiang Yan and Li Bai
212: 一飯千金 – A Meal Worths a Thousand Taels of Gold
213: 杞人憂天・杯弓蛇影 – Worrywart
214: 曹沖稱象 – Cao Chong Weighs an Elephant
215: 田忌賽馬 – Tian Ji's Horse Race
216: 淥麵 – Preparing Noodles
217: 望夫石 – Amah Rock
218: 神童孔融 – Prodigy Kong Rong
219: 東方朔傳奇 – The Legend of Dongfang Shuo
220: 大禹治水 – Dayu's Flood Control
223: 嘉欣嘅飯盒 – Katherine's Lunch Box
224: 哥哥嘅朋友 – A Friend of My Brother
225: 一隻海龜嘅回憶 – The Memory of a Turtle
HBL 226-250
226: 我隱形咗啊! – Invisible Cloak
227: 改造漁村 – Transforming the Fishing Village
228: 法蒂瑪同月亮 – Fatima and the Moon
229: 后羿射日・嫦娥奔月 – The Legend of Hou Yi and Chang E
230: 古宅心慌慌 – The Haunted Mansion
231: 老鼠仔班班 – Little Mouse Bandi
232: 凍檸茶 – Lemon Iced Tea
233: 去果園玩 – The Orchard Tour
234: 精衛填海 – Jingwei Fills the Ocean
235: 我係陳凱琪 – I Am Chan Hoi Kei
236: 愚公移山・賣油翁 – The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountains and the Old Oil Merchant
237: 曾參嘅謠言同埋三隻老虎嘅故事 – The Rumour of Zeng Shen and the Story of Three Tigers
238: 山海經神話與故事 – Classic of Mountains and Seas
239: 探寶尋寶 – The Treasure of Varsha
240: 小明嘅夢想魔毯 – The Modern Magic Carpet
241: 郁郁手指,天下我有 – The World Wide Web
242: 彩色世界 – A Colourful World
243: 族譜 – The Genealogy Book
244: 愛的風箏 – The Kite of Love
245: 我嘅好朋友Bonda – My Best Friend Bonda
246: 冇人信我 – No One Believes Me
247: 失控嘅雀仔 – The Bird Out of Control
248: 食月亮嘅巨龍 – The Dragon Who Ate the Moon
249: 錢係咩嚟㗎? – What is Money?
250: 嘉嘉嘅紫色朋友 – Karly’s Purple Friend
HBL 251-275
251: 雨神城蒙難記 – The Story of Rain God City
252: 數字人生 – A Life Full of Numbers
253: 科技之外 – Outside of Technology
256: 貓貓唔見咗 – I Lost My Cat
257: 買嘢 – Shopping
258: 掛住婆婆 – I Miss You Nani
259: 媽媽病咗 – Mommy Got Sick
260: 搭巴士 – Taking The Bus
261: 飲早茶 – Breakfast With Grandparents
262: 咩聲嚟㗎? – What's That Sound?
263: 雀仔 – Birds
264: 生日快樂 – Little Brother's Birthday Gift
265: 叻叻花貓 – Smart Kitty
266: 海龜 – Turtle
267: 兔仔要走喇 – Goodbye Rabbit!
268: 我有一隻狗 – I Have a Puppy
269: 大霧山嘅最後日子 – The Last Day on Tai Mo Shan
270: 菜肉包 – Vegetable and Pork Bun
271: 搵啱屋企 – Finding the Right Home
272: 觀塘交通日常 – Daily Traffic in Kwun Tong
273: 叮叮 – Tram
274: 新同事 – New Colleague
HBL 276-300
276: 數腳仔 – Counting Little Legs
277: 呢個係我哥哥 – This Is My Elder Brother
279: 太細個喇! – Too Young!
280: 尋找雪豹 – Looking for Snow Leopard
281: 我哋嘅歌聲 – Our Singing Voice
282: 我唔係鹹濕仔 – I Am Not a Lustful Guy
283: 制水嘅故事 – Water Rationing
284: 飛 – Fly
285: 媽媽幾點返屋企? – When Will Mama Be Back?
286: 免費雪條 – An Ice-lolly for Free
287: 貓、老鼠同平面圖形 – Cat, Rat and the 2D Shape
300: Saru的秘密 – Saru and Her Secret