[Level 5] 282:  🤖  我唔係鹹濕仔 – I Am Not a Lustful Guy – 15/15

Image 1 for story 00282
00282.apkg [what's this?]

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reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

aa3 aa3
aa3 aa3 baa4 baa4
cung4 cung4 san1 san1
baai2 baai2 fong3 fong3 gwo3 gwo3
go2 go2 di1 di1
bou3 bou3 zoeng1 zoeng1
zaap6 zaap6 zi3 zi3
ji5 ji5 cin4 cin4
zaap6 zaap6 zi3 zi3
dou1 dou1
fong3 fong3
hai2 hai2
dong3 dong3 hau2 hau2
zing3 zing3
zung1 zung1 gaan1 gaan1
        speed:   100%
🤖 Dad rearranged the newspapers and magazines! Before, the magazines were in the middle of the stall.

gam1 gam1 jat6 jat6
keoi5 keoi5
zoeng1 zoeng1
di1 di1
zaap6 zaap6 zi3 zi3
dou1 dou1
fong3 fong3
zo2 zo2
hai2 hai2
dong3 dong3 hau2 hau2
pong4 pong4 bin1 bin1
cin4 cin4 min6 min6
deoi1 deoi1 mun5 mun5
zo2 zo2
di1 di1
siu2 siu2
wun6 wun6 geoi6 geoi6
tip3 tip3 zi2 zi2
        speed:   100%
🤖 Today, he keeps all these magazines next to his stall. The front is piled up with small toys and stickers.

dong1 dong1 jin4 jin4
dou1 dou1
jau5 jau5
gei2 gei2
fan6 fan6
bou3 bou3 hon2 hon2
ni1 ni1 go3 go3
ci2 ci2 zung1 zung1
hai6 hai6
bou3 bou3 zi2 zi2 dong3 dong3
        speed:   100%
🤖 Of course, there are also several newspapers and periodicals. This one is always a newsstand.

aa3 aa3 baa4 baa4
tung4 tung4
ngo5 ngo5
gong2 gong2
aa3 aa3 saang1 saang1
ngo5 ngo5
zou6 zou6 dou2 dou2
ge3 ge3
zau6 zau6 hai6 hai6
dak1 dak1
gam3 gam3
do1 do1
nei5 nei5
jiu3 jiu3
hou2 hou2 hou2 hou2
duk6 duk6 syu1 syu1
zoeng1 zoeng1 loi4 loi4
        speed:   100%
🤖 My dad said to me, "Ah Sheng, that's all I can do... You have to study hard, and in the future..."

Image add_09 for story
aa3 aa3 baa4 baa4
jau6 jau6
hoi1 hoi1 ci2 ci2
syut3 syut3 gaau3 gaau3
laa3 laa3
ngo5 ngo5
bat1 bat1 ting4 ting4
hai6 hai6 gam2 gam2
dim2 dim2 tau4 tau4
o3 o3
o3 o3
zi1 zi1 dou3 dou3
laa3 laa3
zi1 zi1 dou3 dou3
laa3 laa3
        speed:   100%
🤖 Dad started preaching again, and I kept nodding my head like this... "Oh, oh, I know, I know..."

ngo5 ngo5
go3 go3
sam1 sam1 nam2 nam2
fei4 fei4 zai2 zai2 ming4 ming4
jing1 jing1 goi1 goi1
dou1 dou1
zung6 zung6 hai6 hai6
wui5 wui5
siu3 siu3
ngo5 ngo5
daan6 daan6
ngo5 ngo5
zi1 zi1 dou3 dou3
aa3 aa3 baa4 baa4
tung4 tung4
ngo5 ngo5
dou1 dou1
m4 m4 hai6 hai6
haam4 haam4 sap1 sap1 zai2 zai2
ting1 ting1 jat6 jat6
ngo5 ngo5
jat1 jat1 ding6 ding6
jiu3 jiu3
zoeng1 zoeng1
ni1 ni1
gin6 gin6
si6 si6
waa6 waa6
bei2 bei2
wong4 wong4 lou5 lou5 si1 si1
teng1 teng1
        speed:   100%
🤖 I thought to myself, the little fat man should still laugh at me, but I know that Dad and I are not obscene sons. Tomorrow, I will definitely tell Mr. Huang about this.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.