[Level 5] 249:  🤖  錢係咩嚟㗎? – What is Money? – 6/9

Image 1 for story 00249
00249.apkg [what's this?]

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romanization: Yale jyutping
show romanization: revealed hidden
show glosses: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

gam1 gam1 zai2 zai2
jau6 jau6
man6 man6
gam2 gam2
jyu4 jyu4 gwo2 gwo2
ngo5 ngo5
zoeng1 zoeng1
di1 di1
cin2 cin2
maai4 maai4
hai2 hai2
dei6 dei6 haa2 haa2
wui5 wui5 m4 m4 wui5 wui5
hou2 hou2 ci5 ci5
zik6 zik6 mat6 mat6
gam2 gam2
saang1 saang1
faan1 faan1
do1 do1 di1 di1
cin2 cin2
ceot1 ceot1 lai4 lai4
        speed:   100%
🤖 Jin Zi asked again: "Then if I bury the money in the ground, will it give birth to more money like a plant?"

baa4 baa4 baa1 baa1
maa4 maa4 maa1 maa1
teng1 teng1 dou2 dou2
zi1 zi1 hau6 hau6
zi1 zi1
jat1 jat1
seng1 seng1
siu3 siu3
zo2 zo2
ceot1 ceot1 lei4 lei4
jat1 jat1 cai4 cai4
waa6 waa6
jiu4 jiu4 cin4 cin4 syu6 syu6
me1 me1
m4 m4 wui5 wui5
laa1 laa1
        speed:   100%
🤖 When Mom and Dad heard this, they squeaked out loud and said together, "Cash cow?

daan6 daan6 hai6 hai6
maa4 maa4 maa1 maa1
bou2 bou2 cung1 cung1
zo2 zo2
jat1 jat1
geoi3 geoi3
bat1 bat1 gwo3 gwo3
cin2 cin2
hai6 hai6
jau5 jau5
kei4 kei4 taa1 taa1
fong1 fong1 faat3 faat3
ho2 ho2 ji5 ji5
jyut6 jyut6
cou5 cou5
jyut6 jyut6
do1 do1
ge2 ge2
        speed:   100%
🤖 But my mother added: "But there are other ways to save more and more money!"

maa4 maa4 maa1 maa1
waa6 waa6
siu2 siu2 pang4 pang4 jau5 jau5
soeng2 soeng2
cou5 cou5 cin2 cin2
ge3 ge3 waa6 waa6
ceoi4 ceoi4 zo2 zo2
ho2 ho2 ji5 ji5
zoeng1 zoeng1
cin2 cin2
fong3 fong3
jap6 jap6
zyu1 zyu1 zai2 zai2 cin4 cin4 aang1 aang1
zi1 zi1 ngoi6 ngoi6
zung6 zung6
ho2 ho2 ji5 ji5
fong3 fong3
hai2 hai2
kei4 kei4 taa1 taa1
dei6 dei6 fong1 fong1
lai6 lai6 jyu4 jyu4
ngan4 ngan4 hong4 hong4
        speed:   100%
🤖 Mom said that if children want to save money, they can put it in other places, such as banks, in addition to putting money in the piggy money poppy.

jyu4 jyu4 gwo2 gwo2
gam1 gam1 zai2 zai2
zoeng1 zoeng1
cin2 cin2
fong3 fong3
jap6 jap6
ngan4 ngan4 hong4 hong4
jat1 jat1
dyun6 dyun6
si4 si4 gaan3 gaan3
zi1 zi1 hau6 hau6
ngan4 ngan4 hong4 hong4
zau6 zau6
wui5 wui5
bei2 bei2
faan1 faan1
siu2 siu2 siu2 siu2
cin2 cin2
gam1 gam1 zai2 zai2
nei1 nei1 di1 di1
cin2 cin2
zau6 zau6
giu3 giu3 zou6 zou6
lei6 lei6 sik1 sik1
        speed:   100%
🤖 If both parties put money in the bank, after a certain period of time, the bank will give a little money to the enterprise, and the money is called "interest."

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.