[Level 6] 233:  🤖 🈶  去果園玩 – The Orchard Tour – 1/11

Image 1 for story 00233
00233.apkg [what's this?]

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romanization: Yale jyutping
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drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

heoi3 heoi3
gwo2 gwo2 jyun4 jyun4
waan2 waan2
        speed:   100%
🤖 Go to the orchard to play

Image 2 for story
baa4 baa4 baa1 baa1
ping4 ping4 si4 si4
hou2 hou2
mong4 mong4
gaa3 gaa3
        speed:   100%
🤖 Dad is usually very busy!

hou2 hou2 do1 do1 si4 si4
fong3 fong3 gung1 gung1
faan1 faan1
dou3 dou3
uk1 uk1 kei2 kei2
zai4 zai4 zai2 zai2
aa3 aa3 muk6 muk6
ji5 ji5 ging1 ging1
fan3 fan3
zo2 zo2
so2 so2 ji5 ji5
mui5 mui5 fung4 fung4
fong3 fong3 gaa3 gaa3
baa4 baa4 baa1 baa1
maa4 maa4 maa1 maa1
dou1 dou1 wui5 wui5
daai3 daai3
aa3 aa3 muk6 muk6
ceot1 ceot1 gaai1 gaai1
waan2 waan2
        speed:   100%
🤖 Many times when I come home from work, the child Amu has already slept, so every holiday, parents will take Amu to play on the street.

jat1 jat1 loi4 loi4
soeng2 soeng2
jau5 jau5
do1 do1 di1 di1
can1 can1 zi2 zi2
si4 si4 gaan3 gaan3
tung4 tung4
aa3 aa3 muk6 muk6
soeng1 soeng1 cyu5 cyu5
ji6 ji6 loi4 loi4
dou1 dou1
soeng2 soeng2
aa3 aa3 muk6 muk6
hoi1 hoi1
haa5 haa5
ngaan5 ngaan5 gaai3 gaai3
hok6 hok6
do1 do1 di1 di1
je5 je5
        speed:   100%
🤖 First, I want to spend more parent-child time with Amu, and secondly, I want Amu to open her eyes and learn more.

nei1 nei1 go3 go3
sing1 sing1 kei4 kei4
naan4 naan4 dak1 dak1
jau5 jau5
coeng4 coeng4
gaa3 gaa3 kei4 kei4
baa4 baa4 baa1 baa1
waa6 waa6
jiu3 jiu3
can3 can3
nei1 nei1 go3 go3
gei1 gei1 wui6 wui6
heoi3 heoi3
jyun5 jyun5
di1 di1
jyu1 jyu1 si6 si6
daai3 daai3
zo2 zo2
aa3 aa3 muk6 muk6
tung4 tung4
maa4 maa4 maa1 maa1
heoi3 heoi3
san1 san1 gaai3 gaai3
        speed:   100%
🤖 This week is a rare long holiday, Dad said to take this opportunity to go far, so he took Amu and Mom to the New Territories,

heoi3 heoi3
dou3 dou3
san1 san1 gaai3 gaai3
zeoi3 zeoi3
duk1 duk1 duk1 duk1
ge3 ge3
jyun4 jyun4 long5 long5
jau6 jau6
heoi3 heoi3
dou3 dou3
jyun4 jyun4 long5 long5
zeoi3 zeoi3
duk1 duk1 duk1 duk1
ge3 ge3
jat1 jat1 go3 go3
gwo2 gwo2 jyun4 jyun4
go2 go2 dou6 dou6
ceot1 ceot1
saai3 saai3
meng2 meng2
jau5 jau5
hou2 hou2 do1 do1
m4 m4 tung4 tung4
ge3 ge3
saang1 saang1 gwo2 gwo2
hou2 hou2 do1 do1
je5 je5
tai2 tai2
gaa3 gaa3
        speed:   100%
🤖 Go to the most tuk tuk in the New Territories, and go to one of the most tuk tuk orchards in Yuen Long, where there are many different fruits and many things to see.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.