[Level 6] 228:  🤖  法蒂瑪同月亮 – Fatima and the Moon – 6/15

Image 1 for story 00228
00228.apkg [what's this?]

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character size:
romanization: Yale jyutping
show romanization: revealed hidden
show glosses: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

Image 5 for story
zung1 zung1 jyu1 jyu1
dong1 dong1
hok6 hok6 sik1 sik1
zing2 zing2
ceot1 ceot1
cyun4 cyun4
dou2 dou2
zeoi3 zeoi3
leng3 leng3
ge3 ge3
faa1 faa1 hyun1 hyun1
maa4 maa4 maa1 maa1
zau6 zau6
gaau3 gaau3
keoi5 keoi5
jau4 jau4 seoi2 seoi2
zung6 zung6
sung3 sung3
zo2 zo2
go3 go3
cim4 cim4 seoi2 seoi2
geng3 geng3
bei2 bei2
keoi5 keoi5
        speed:   100%
🤖 Finally, when Fatima learned how to make the most beautiful wreath on the island, his mother taught him to swim and gave him a diving goggle.

daai6 daai6 gaa1 gaa1
dou1 dou1
waa6 waa6
soeng6 soeng6
sai3 sai3
jat1 jat1 ding6 ding6
hai6 hai6
tiu4 tiu4
hou2 hou2
ho2 ho2 oi3 oi3
ge3 ge3
mei5 mei5 jan4 jan4 jyu4 jyu4
jyu4 jyu4 gwo2 gwo2
m4 m4 hai6 hai6
dim2 dim2 gaai2 gaai2
jat1 jat1
hok6 hok6
zau6 zau6
sik1 sik1
jau4 jau4 seoi2 seoi2
        speed:   100%
🤖 Everyone said that Fatima must have been a very cute mermaid in her last life, if it weren't for why she could swim as soon as she learned it.

jau4 jau4
dou3 dou3
seng4 seng4
tiu4 tiu4
jyu2 jyu2
gam2 gam2
lin4 lin4
go4 go4 go1 go1
dou1 dou1
mou5 mou5
keoi5 keoi5
jau4 jau4
dak1 dak1
gam3 gam3
hou2 hou2
        speed:   100%
🤖 Swims like a fish, even his brother doesn't swim as well as him.

Image 6 for story
jau4 jau4
jat6 jat6 jat6 jat6
hai2 hai2
dou2 dou2
bin1 bin1
saan3 saan3 bou6 bou6
bin3 bin3 sing4 sing4
jat6 jat6 jat6 jat6
cim4 cim4 jap6 jap6
seoi2 seoi2
dai2 dai2
mou6 mou6 him2 him2
        speed:   100%
🤖 Fatima went from walking around the island every day to diving underwater every day.

keoi5 keoi5
ji5 ji5 cin4 cin4
jat1 jat1 zik6 zik6
gok3 gok3 dak1 dak1
dou2 dou2
zai2 zai2
hai6 hai6
cyun4 cyun4 sai3 sai3 gaai3 gaai3
zeoi3 zeoi3
leng3 leng3
ge3 ge3
dim2 dim2 zi1 zi1
jyun4 jyun4 loi4 loi4
hoi2 hoi2 dai2 dai2
sai3 sai3 gaai3 gaai3
zung6 zung6 jiu3 jiu3
leng3 leng3
sap6 sap6 maan6 maan6
pui5 pui5
        speed:   100%
🤖 He had always thought that the island was the most beautiful in the world, but how did he know that the underwater world was 100,000 times more beautiful!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.