[Level 6] 228:  🤖  法蒂瑪同月亮 – Fatima and the Moon – 11/15

Image 1 for story 00228
00228.apkg [what's this?]

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character size:
romanization: Yale jyutping
show romanization: revealed hidden
show glosses: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

Image 8 for story
keoi5 keoi5
jing4 jing4 jin4 jin4
jat1 jat1
lim5 lim5
ping4 ping4 zing6 zing6
gam2 gam2
mong6 mong6 zyu6 zyu6
jat1 jat1 di1 di1
zaak3 zaak3 gwaai3 gwaai3
ge3 ge3
ji3 ji3 si3 si3
dou1 dou1
mou5 mou5
        speed:   100%
🤖 He still stared at Fatima with a calm expression, not at all blaming.

daai6 daai6 hoi2 hoi2
cung1 cung1 mun5 mun5
zi3 zi3 wai3 wai3
tung4 tung4
bou2 bou2 zong6 zong6
bat1 bat1 gwo3 gwo3
tung4 tung4 si4 si4
dou1 dou1
am3 am3 cong4 cong4
hou2 hou2 do1 do1
ngai4 ngai4 him2 him2
        speed:   100%
🤖 "The sea is full of wisdom and treasures, but it also hides many dangers."

jyut6 jyut6 loeng6 loeng6
gai3 gai3 zuk6 zuk6
gong2 gong2
mei4 mei4
fung1 fung1
ho2 ho2 ji5 ji5
ling6 ling6
nei5 nei5
loeng4 loeng4 song2 song2
bat1 bat1 gwo3 gwo3
jat1 jat1 daan3 daan3
bin3 bin3
dak1 dak1
bou6 bou6 lit6 lit6
ho2 ho2 ji5 ji5
ceoi1 ceoi1 wai2 wai2
nei5 nei5
ge3 ge3
gaa1 gaa1 jyun4 jyun4
        speed:   100%
🤖 The moon continued: "A breeze can keep you cool, but when it becomes violent, it can destroy your home.

hai2 hai2
hak1 hak1 je6 je6
saan3 saan3 bou6 bou6
wui5 wui5
ling6 ling6
nei5 nei5
gok3 gok3 dak1 dak1
ping4 ping4 zing6 zing6
bat1 bat1 gwo3 gwo3
jik6 jik6
ho2 ho2 nang4 nang4
wui5 wui5
bat1 bat1 zi1 zi1 bat1 bat1 gok3 gok3
gam2 gam2
daai3 daai3
nei5 nei5
heoi3 heoi3
zo2 zo2
jyun4 jyun4 ngaai4 ngaai4
bin1 bin1
        speed:   100%
🤖 Walking in the dark will make you feel calm, but it may also take you to the edge of a cliff before you know it.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.