[Level 5] 213:  🤖 🈶  杞人憂天・杯弓蛇影 – Worrywart – 1/5

Image 1 for story 00213
00213.apkg [what's this?]

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romanization: Yale jyutping
show romanization: revealed hidden
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drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

gei2 gei2
jan4 jan4
jau1 jau1
tin1 tin1
bui1 bui1
gung1 gung1
se4 se4
jing2 jing2
        speed:   100%
🤖 Cup Bow Snake Shadow

hai2 hai2
hou2 hou2
noi6 noi6
hou2 hou2
noi6 noi6
zi1 zi1 cin4 cin4
jau5 jau5
jat1 jat1 go3 go3
gwok3 gwok3 gaa1 gaa1
giu3 giu3 zou6 zou6
gei2 gei2
gwok3 gwok3
        speed:   100%
🤖 A long, long time ago, there was a country called the country of Qi.

gei2 gei2
gwok3 gwok3
jau5 jau5
jat1 jat1 go3 go3 jan4 jan4
keoi5 keoi5
hou2 hou2
sai3 sai3 daam2 daam2
zung6 zung6
seng4 seng4 jat6 jat6
lyun6 lyun6
nam2 nam2
je5 je5
        speed:   100%
🤖 There is a man in the country who is very timid and often thinks about things.

jau5 jau5 jat1 jat1 jat6 jat6
keoi5 keoi5
fat1 fat1 jin4 jin4 gaan1 gaan1
nam2 nam2
dou3 dou3
jyu4 jyu4 gwo2 gwo2
tin1 tin1 hung1 hung1
lam3 lam3
lok6 lok6 lei4 lei4
dim2 dim2 syun3 syun3
hou2 hou2
        speed:   100%
🤖 One day, he suddenly thought, what if the sky fell?

keoi5 keoi5
geng1 geng1
dou3 dou3
fan3 fan3 m4 m4 zoek3 zoek3
        speed:   100%
🤖 He was so scared that he couldn't sleep.

zi1 zi1 hau6 hau6
keoi5 keoi5
fat1 fat1 jin4 jin4
jau6 jau6
nam2 nam2
dou3 dou3
jyu4 jyu4 gwo2 gwo2
daai6 daai6 dei6 dei6
lam3 lam3
zo2 zo2
lok6 lok6 heoi3 heoi3
dim2 dim2 syun3 syun3
hou2 hou2
        speed:   100%
🤖 Then he suddenly thought, what if the earth goes down?

keoi5 keoi5
geng1 geng1
dou3 dou3
sik6 sik6
m4 m4
lok6 lok6
faan6 faan6
        speed:   100%
🤖 He was so afraid that he couldn't eat.

keoi5 keoi5
hou2 hou2 gei2 gei2
go3 go3 jyut6 jyut6
sik6 sik6
m4 m4
on1 on1
fan3 fan3
m4 m4
lok6 lok6
gaau2 gaau2 dou3 dou3
go3 go3 jan4 jan4
sau3 sau3
zo2 zo2
hou2 hou2 do1 do1
can1 can1 cik1 cik1
pang4 pang4 jau5 jau5
gin3 gin3 dou2 dou2
dou1 dou1
hou2 hou2
daam1 daam1 sam1 sam1
        speed:   100%
🤖 He was restless for months, couldn't sleep, lost a lot of weight, and his relatives and friends were worried when they saw it.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.