[Level 5] 210:  🈶  塞翁失馬,焉知非福 – Sai Weng Lost His Horse – 5/5

Image 1 for story 00210
00210.apkg [what's this?]

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romanization: Yale jyutping
show romanization: revealed hidden
show glosses: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

Image 6 for story
jau6 jau6
gwo3 gwo3
zo2 zo2
jat1 jat1
nin4 nin4
dik6 dik6 gwan1 gwan1
jap6 jap6 cam1 cam1
coi3 coi3 jung1 jung1
ge3 ge3
gwok3 gwok3 gaa1 gaa1
gwok3 gwok3 gaa1 gaa1
jiu3 jiu3
so2 so2 jau5 jau5
san1 san1 koeng4 koeng4 lik6 lik6 zong3 zong3
ge3 ge3
cing1 cing1 nin4 nin4
heoi3 heoi3
daa2 daa2 zoeng3 zoeng3
git3 git3 gwo2 gwo2
sap6 sap6
go3 go3
si6 si6 bing1 bing1
jau5 jau5
gau2 gau2
go3 go3
zan6 zan6 mong4 mong4
        speed:   100%
Another year had passed. The enemy's army invaded Sai Weng's country. His country had to draft all the able-bodied young men into war. In the end, nine out of ten soldiers were killed.

ji4 ji4
coi3 coi3 jung1 jung1
go3 go3
zai2 zai2
jan1 jan1 wai6 wai6
haang4 haang4
m4 m4 dou2 dou2
lou6 lou6
m4 m4 sai2 sai2
heoi3 heoi3
daa2 daa2 zoeng3 zoeng3
loeng5 loeng5
fu6 fu6 zi2 zi2
zi3 zi3
tou4 tou4
gwo3 gwo3
nei1 nei1
coeng4 coeng4
sang1 sang1 lei4 lei4 sei2 sei2 bit6 bit6
ge3 ge3
zoi1 zoi1 naan6 naan6
        speed:   100%
Because Sai Weng's son couldn't walk, he didn't have to go to war. The father and son pair escaped this disaster of life and death.

Image 7 for story
nei1 nei1 go3 go3
gu3 gu3 si6 si6
ji5 ji5 ging1 ging1
lau4 lau4 cyun4 cyun4
zo2 zo2
cin1 cin1
gei2 gei2
ji6 ji6
cin1 cin1
nin4 nin4
wai6 wai6
ge3 ge3
hai6 hai6
jiu3 jiu3
waa6 waa6
bei2 bei2
ngo5 ngo5 dei6 dei6
zi1 zi1
jan4 jan4 sai3 sai3 gaan1 gaan1
ge3 ge3
hou2 hou2 si6 si6
tung4 tung4
waai6 waai6 si6 si6
m4 m4 hai6 hai6
zyut6 zyut6 deoi3 deoi3
ge3 ge3
        speed:   100%
This story has been passed down for a thousand to two thousand years. The purpose is to tell us:

jau5 jau5 di1 di1
si4 si4 hau6 hau6
waai6 waai6 si6 si6
wui5 wui5
daai3 daai3
lei4 lei4
hou2 hou2
ge3 ge3
git3 git3 gwo2 gwo2
ji4 ji4
hou2 hou2 si6 si6
dou1 dou1 wui5 wui5
daai3 daai3
lei4 lei4
waai6 waai6
ge3 ge3
git3 git3 gwo2 gwo2
        speed:   100%
Good things and bad things in the world are not absolute—sometimes bad things will bring good results, and good things will bring bad results.

faan4 faan4 si6 si6
jiu3 jiu3
tai2 tai2
loeng5 loeng5
min6 min6
m4 m4 hou2 hou2
zi2 zi2
zoek6 zoek6 ngaan5 ngaan5
jyu1 jyu1
jat1 jat1 si4 si4
ge3 ge3
dak1 dak1 sat1 sat1
        speed:   100%
Look at both sides of everything; don't focus only on temporary gains and losses.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.