[Level 7] 198:  🅰️ 🤖  塞車 – Traffic Jam – 5/6

Image 1 for story 00198
00198.apkg [what's this?]

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reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

seoi1 seoi1 jin4 jin4
mei6 mei6 bit1 bit1
jat6 jat6 jat6 jat6
sak1 sak1 ce1 ce1
seon6 seon6 lei6 lei6
ge3 ge3 waa2 waa2
kei4 kei4 sat6 sat6
baat3 baat3
dim2 dim2
sei3 sei3
zau6 zau6
wui5 wui5
dou3 dou3
gun1 gun1 tong4 tong4
zung6 zung6 jau5 jau5
siu2 siu2 siu2 siu2
si4 si4 gaan3 gaan3
bei2 bei2
ngo5 ngo5
sik6 sik6
zou2 zou2 caan1 caan1
daan6 daan6 hai6 hai6
ngo5 ngo5
dou1 dou1 hai6 hai6
m4 m4
gam2 gam2
ci4 ci4
gwo3 gwo3
cat1 cat1
dim2 dim2 zung1 zung1
ceot1 ceot1
mun4 mun4 hau2 hau2
        speed:   100%
🤖 Although I may not be stuck in traffic every day - if it goes well, I will actually be at Kwun Tong at 8:4 and there is still a little time for me to have breakfast - but I still dare not go out late after 7 o'clock.

Image 7 for story
cam4 cam4 jat6 jat6
fong3 fong3 gung1 gung1
daap3 daap3
baa1 baa1 si2 si2
jau6 jau6
sak1 sak1
laa3 laa3
zung6 zung6 jiu3 jiu3
hai6 hai6
zeoi3 zeoi3
waai6 waai6
cing4 cing4 fong3 fong3
gun1 gun1 tong4 tong4
sak1 sak1
jyun4 jyun4
dou3 dou3
tyun4 tyun4 mun4 mun4
sak1 sak1
        speed:   100%
🤖 Yesterday I took the bus from work, and it was stuffed again, or the worst-case scenario: Kwun Tong was stuffed to Tuen Munse.

seng4 seng4
cing4 cing4
ce1 ce1
noi6 noi6
dou3 dou3
ngo5 ngo5
hai2 hai2
baa1 baa1 si2 si2
fan3 fan3 seng2 seng2
loeng5 loeng5
ci3 ci3
dou1 dou1
mei6 mei6
lok6 lok6
dak1 dak1
ce1 ce1
        speed:   100%
🤖 The bus was so long that I woke up twice on the bus and didn't end up yet.

gau3 gau3 meng6 meng6
aa3 aa3
sak1 sak1
dou3 dou3
jan4 jan4
dou1 dou1
din1 din1
laa3 laa3
        speed:   100%
🤖 "Help! People are crazy!"

ngo5 ngo5
jan2 jan2 m4 m4 zyu6 zyu6
zo2 zo2
go3 go3
soeng5 soeng5
        speed:   100%
🤖 I couldn't help but post a story on Instagram.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.