[Level 3] 179:  🤖  講故人 – Storyteller – 1/7

Image 1 for story 00179
00179.apkg [what's this?]

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character size:
romanization: Yale jyutping
show romanization: revealed hidden
show glosses: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

gong2 gong2
gu2 gu2
jan4 jan4
        speed:   100%
🤖 Storyteller

Image 2 for story
cung4 cung4 cin4 cin4
jau5 jau5
jat1 jat1 go3 go3
hou2 hou2
daai6 daai6
hou2 hou2
leng3 leng3
ge3 ge3
dei6 dei6 fong1 fong1
nei1 nei1 dou6 dou6
jau5 jau5
hou2 hou2 do1 do1
jan4 jan4
go3 go3 go3 go3 jan4 jan4
dou1 dou1
hou2 hou2
m4 m4 tung4 tung4
        speed:   100%
🤖 Once upon a time there was a big, beautiful place. There are a lot of people here, and everyone is very different.

aa3 aa3 jan1 jan1
zau6 zau6 hai6 hai6
zyu6 zyu6
hai2 hai2
nei1 nei1 dou6 dou6
keoi5 keoi5
zeoi3 zeoi3
zung1 zung1 ji3 ji3
teng1 teng1
gu2 gu2 zai2 zai2
dak6 dak6 bit6 bit6
hai6 hai6
tung4 tung4
nei1 nei1 go3 go3
dei6 dei6 fong1 fong1
jau5 jau5 gwaan1 gwaan1
ge3 ge3
gu2 gu2 zai2 zai2
        speed:   100%
🤖 Ashin lives here, and he loves to listen to stories, especially those related to this place.

Image 3 for story
bat1 bat1 gwo3 gwo3
nei1 nei1 dou6 dou6
ge3 ge3
jan4 jan4
dou1 dou1
hou2 hou2
mong4 mong4
jau5 jau5
jan4 jan4
mong4 mong4
zyu6 zyu6
faan1 faan1 gung1 gung1
wan2 wan2 cin2 cin2
jau5 jau5
jan4 jan4
mong4 mong4
zyu6 zyu6
wan1 wan1 syu1 syu1
jau5 jau5
jan4 jan4
mong4 mong4
zyu6 zyu6
hek3 hek3 hot3 hot3 wun6 wun6 lok6 lok6
        speed:   100%
🤖 People here are busy, though. Some people are busy going to work to make money, some people are busy reading books, and some people are busy eating, drinking, and having fun.

aa3 aa3 jan1 jan1
si3 si3 gwo3 gwo3
giu3 giu3
maa4 maa4 maa1 maa1
baa4 baa4 baa1 baa1
tung4 tung4 hok6 hok6
lou5 lou5 si1 si1
gong2 gong2
gu2 gu2 zai2 zai2
bei2 bei2
keoi5 keoi5
teng1 teng1
        speed:   100%
🤖 Ashin once asked his mother, father, classmates, and teachers to tell him stories.

Image 4 for story
bat1 bat1 gwo3 gwo3
keoi5 keoi5 dei6 dei6
cyun4 cyun4 bou6 bou6
dou1 dou1
waa6 waa6
m4 m4 dak1 dak1 haan4 haan4
zung6 zung6
giu3 giu3
faan1 faan1
aa3 aa3 jan1 jan1
jau5 jau5
si4 si4 gaan3 gaan3
bat1 bat1 jyu4 jyu4
heoi3 heoi3
wan1 wan1 syu1 syu1
zou6 zou6 gung1 gung1 fo3 fo3
        speed:   100%
🤖 However, they all said that they were not available, and they called back Ah Xin to go to Wen Shu to do his homework when he had time.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.