[Level 3] 172:  🤖  我愛睇書! – I Love Reading Books – 7/7

Image 1 for story 00172
00172.apkg [what's this?]

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character size:
romanization: Yale jyutping
show romanization: revealed hidden
show glosses: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

Image 15 for story
nei5 nei5
mou5 mou5 si6 si6
aa1 aa1 maa3 maa3
nei5 nei5
tau4 tau4 sin1 sin1
zou6 zou6 me1 me1
soeng5 soeng5
dou3 dou3
gam3 gam3
gou1 gou1
aa3 aa3
gou1 gou1 lou5 lou5 si1 si1
man6 man6
aa3 aa3 jan1 jan1
        speed:   100%
🤖 Why did you rise so high just now?" asked Ah Xin.

aa3 aa3 jan1 jan1
zi2 zi2 zyu6 zyu6
soeng6 soeng6 min6 min6
di1 di1
syu1 syu1
waa6 waa6
hou2 hou2
soeng2 soeng2
lik1 lik1
go2 go2 di1 di1
syu1 syu1
tai2 tai2
        speed:   100%
🤖 Ashin pointed to the books on them and said that he wanted to read them.

Image 16 for story
jin4 jin4 hau6 hau6
gou1 gou1 lou5 lou5 si1 si1
ji6 ji6 waa6 waa6 bat1 bat1 syut3 syut3
zau6 zau6
jau6 jau6
pou5 pou5
hei2 hei2
aa3 aa3 jan1 jan1
aa3 aa3 jan1 jan1
hou2 hou2
hoi1 hoi1 sam1 sam1
gam2 gam2
lik1 lik1
zo2 zo2
hou2 hou2 do1 do1
syu1 syu1
lok6 lok6 lei4 lei4
        speed:   100%
🤖 Then, Teacher Gao picked up Ah Xin again without saying a word, and Ah Xin happily took a lot of books down.

Image 17 for story
zi1 zi1 hau6 hau6
aa3 aa3 jan1 jan1
mun5 mun5
sau2 sau2
hai6 hai6
syu1 syu1
gam2 gam2
man6 man6
gou1 gou1 lou5 lou5 si1 si1
dim2 dim2 gaai2 gaai2
ho2 ho2 ji5 ji5
saang1 saang1
dak1 dak1
gam3 gam3
gou1 gou1
        speed:   100%
🤖 After that, Ah Xin was full of books and asked Teacher Gao why he could grow so tall.

gou1 gou1 lou5 lou5 si1 si1
waa6 waa6
keoi5 keoi5
ji5 ji5 cin4 cin4
dou1 dou1
m4 m4
gou1 gou1
hai6 hai6
hau6 hau6 mei1 mei1
keoi5 keoi5
sik6 sik6
do1 do1
zo2 zo2
faan6 faan6
jam2 jam2
do1 do1
zo2 zo2
seoi2 seoi2
zou6 zou6
do1 do1
zo2 zo2
wan6 wan6 dung6 dung6
sin1 sin1
bin3 bin3
dou3 dou3
ji4 ji4 gaa1 gaa1
gam3 gam3
gou1 gou1
zaa3 zaa3
        speed:   100%
🤖 Teacher Gao said that he was not tall before, but it was only after he ate too much, drank more water, and did more exercise that he became so tall now!

bat1 bat1 gwo3 gwo3
aa3 aa3 jan1 jan1
hou2 hou2 ci5 ci5
mou5 mou5
teng1 teng1 dou3 dou3
gou1 gou1 lou5 lou5 si1 si1
gong2 gong2 je5 je5
jan1 jan1 wai6 wai6
keoi5 keoi5
jau6 jau6
hoi1 hoi1 ci2 ci2
hou2 hou2
zyun1 zyun1 sam1 sam1
gam2 gam2
tai2 tai2 syu1 syu1
laa3 laa3
        speed:   100%
🤖 However, Ah Xin didn't seem to hear Teacher Gao speak, because he began to read very attentively again!

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