[Level 3] 160:  🤖  俾個密碼嚟睇下 – What is the password? – 5/6

Image 1 for story 00160
00160.apkg [what's this?]

Default settings
character size:
romanization: Yale jyutping
show romanization: revealed hidden
show glosses: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

Image 9 for story
zung6 zung6 jau5 jau5
jyu4 jyu4 gwo2 gwo2
ngo5 ngo5
ji1 ji1 gaa1 gaa1
soeng2 soeng2
jung6 jung6
din6 din6 waa2 waa2
gei3 gei3
din6 din6 jau4 jau4
bei2 bei2
ngo5 ngo5
go3 go3
pang4 pang4 jau5 jau5
ngo5 ngo5
dou1 dou1
wui5 wui5
jung6 jung6
faan1 faan1
zi6 zi6 gei2 gei2
bou6 bou6
din6 din6 waa2 waa2
m4 m4 wui5 wui5
jung6 jung6
kei4 kei4 taa1 taa1
jan4 jan4
din6 din6 waa2 waa2
        speed:   100%
🤖 "And the account number, if I want to email my friend by phone now, I will also use my own phone, not someone else's."

Image 10 for story
ji4 ji4 ce2 ce2
ngo5 ngo5
bou6 bou6
din6 din6 waa2 waa2
zung6 zung6
jau5 jau5
cit3 cit3 ding6 ding6 dou3 dou3
so2 so2
gei1 gei1
mat6 mat6 maa5 maa5
ngo5 ngo5
hai6 hai6 mai6 mai6
hou2 hou2
lek1 lek1
aa3 aa3
        speed:   100%
🤖 "And my phone still has a lock code, am I smart?"

Image 11 for story
hai6 hai6
laa3 laa3
hai6 hai6
laa3 laa3
zeoi3 zeoi3
lek1 lek1
hai6 hai6
nei5 nei5
laa3 laa3
zeoi3 zeoi3
gan2 gan2 jiu3 jiu3
gei3 gei3 dak1 dak1
m4 m4 hou2 hou2
lyun6 lyun6
bei2 bei2
go3 go3
mat6 mat6 maa5 maa5
kei4 kei4 taa1 taa1
jan4 jan4
jan1 jan1 wai6 wai6
nei5 nei5
m4 m4 zi1 zi1
keoi5 keoi5 dei6 dei6
wui5 wui5
jung6 jung6
lai4 lai4
zou6 zou6
me1 me1
waai6 waai6 si6 si6
maa4 maa4 maa1 maa1
jyu5 jyu5 zung6 zung6 sam1 sam1 coeng4 coeng4
gam2 gam2
gong2 gong2
        speed:   100%
🤖 "Yes, yes, the best is you." The most important thing to remember: don't mess around with other people, because you don't know what they'll do with it. Mom said seriously.

sam1 sam1 ji4 ji4
waa6 waa6
ngo5 ngo5
zi1 zi1 dou3 dou3
laa3 laa3
maa4 maa4 maa1 maa1
        speed:   100%
🤖 Xinyi: "I know, Mom!"

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.