[Level 1] 002:  🈶  個個都唔一樣 – Flowers of One Garden – 1/3

Image 1 for story 00002
00002.apkg [what's this?]

Default settings
character size:
romanization: Yale jyutping
show romanization: revealed hidden
show glosses: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

Image 2 for story
ni1 ni1
go3 go3
hai6 hai6
aa3 aa3 lok6 lok6
keoi5 keoi5
ge3 ge3
tau4 tau4 faat3 faat3
hou2 hou2
coeng4 coeng4
jiu3 jiu3
zin2 zin2
laa3 laa3
        speed:   100%
This is Ah-Lok, and his hair is quite long. It's time for a haircut.

maa4 maa4 maa1 maa1
waa6 waa6
ngo5 ngo5
bong1 bong1
nei5 nei5
zin2 zin2
tau4 tau4 faat3 faat3
laa1 laa1
        speed:   100%
Mom said, "I'll help you with a haircut."

aa3 aa3 lok6 lok6
siu3 siu3
zin2 zin2
dak1 dak1
m4 m4 leng3 leng3
aa3 aa3
        speed:   100%
Ah-Lok laughed. The haircut doesn't look good!

Image 3 for story
tung4 tung4 hok6 hok6 zai2 zai2
dou1 dou1
siu3 siu3
keoi5 keoi5
aa3 aa3 lok6 lok6
haam3 haam3
        speed:   100%
His classmates all laughed at him, and Ah-Lok cried.

lou5 lou5 si1 si1
waa6 waa6
ngo5 ngo5 dei6 dei6
m4 m4 jing1 jing1 goi1 goi1
siu3 siu3
jan4 jan4
gaa3 gaa3
        speed:   100%
The teacher said, "We shouldn't laugh at others."

go3 go3 go3 go3
dou1 dou1
m4 m4 jat1 jat1 joeng6 joeng6
tai2 tai2 haa5 haa5
ni1 ni1 di1 di1
soeng2 soeng2
        speed:   100%
"Everyone is unique. Look at these pictures..."

Image 4 for story
maau1 maau1 zai2 zai2
go2 go2
loeng5 loeng5
zek3 zek3
ngaan5 ngaan5
daai6 daai6 di1 di1
zoek3 zoek3 zai2 zai2
go3 go3
tau4 tau4
sai3 sai3 di1 di1
tou3 tou3 zai2 zai2
deoi3 deoi3
ji5 ji5
coeng4 coeng4 di1 di1
gwai1 gwai1 zai2 zai2
di1 di1
sau2 sau2
goek3 goek3
dyun2 dyun2 di1 di1
        speed:   100%
"The kitten has big eyes, the bird has a small head, the rabbit has long ears, and the turtle has short limbs."

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.