[Level 6] 229:  🈶  后羿射日・嫦娥奔月 – The Legend of Hou Yi and Chang E – 2/6

Image 1 for story 00229
00229.apkg [what's this?]

Default settings
character size:
romanization: Yale jyutping
show romanization: revealed hidden
show glosses: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

nei1 nei1
sap6 sap6
go3 go3
taai3 taai3 joeng4 joeng4
gui6 gui6
ge3 ge3
si4 si4 hau6 hau6
zau6 zau6
wui5 wui5
leon4 leon4 lau2 lau2
fei1 fei1
soeng5 soeng5
syu6 syu6 zi1 zi1
soeng6 soeng6 min6 min6
jau1 jau1 sik1 sik1
        speed:   100%
When these ten suns were tired, they would take turns flying up the branches to rest.

mui5 mui5
ziu1 ziu1 zou2 zou2
taai3 taai3 joeng4 joeng4
jiu3 jiu3
ceot1 ceot1 dung6 dung6
ge3 ge3
si4 si4 hau6 hau6
kei4 kei4 zung1 zung1
gau2 gau2
zek3 zek3
wu1 wu1 aa1 aa1
zau6 zau6
wui5 wui5
ting4 ting4
hai2 hai2
syu6 syu6 zi1 zi1
soeng6 soeng6 min6 min6
jau1 jau1 sik1 sik1
ling6 ling6 ngoi6 ngoi6
jat1 jat1
zek3 zek3
zau6 zau6
wui5 wui5
bin3 bin3 sing4 sing4
fo2 fo2
kau4 kau4
fei1 fei1
soeng5 soeng5
tin1 tin1 hung1 hung1
nei1 nei1 go3 go3
si4 si4 hau6 hau6
zau6 zau6 hai6 hai6
tin1 tin1 gwong1 gwong1
laa3 laa3
        speed:   100%
Every morning when the suns were about to move, nine of the crows would stop on the branches to rest, and the remaining one would turn into a fireball and flew into the sky. That was daybreak.

jat6 jat6 lok6 lok6
zi1 zi1 hau6 hau6
zau6 zau6 hai6 hai6
nei1 nei1 go3 go3
taai3 taai3 joeng4 joeng4
bin3 bin3
faan1 faan1
wu1 wu1 aa1 aa1
jau1 jau1 sik1 sik1
ge3 ge3
si4 si4 gaan3 gaan3
        speed:   100%
After the sun had set, it was time for this sun to turn back to a crow and rest.

dou3 dou3
dai6 dai6 ji6 ji6 jat6 jat6
tin1 tin1 gwong1 gwong1
zau6 zau6
dou3 dou3
ling6 ling6 jat1 jat1
go3 go3
taai3 taai3 joeng4 joeng4
ceot1 ceot1 dung6 dung6
        speed:   100%
By daylight the next day, it was time for another sun to set out.

sap6 sap6
go3 go3
taai3 taai3 joeng4 joeng4
hou2 hou2
jau5 jau5
kwai1 kwai1 leot6 leot6
gam2 gam2
leon4 leon4 gaang1 gaang1
so2 so2 ji5 ji5
jat1 jat1 zik6 zik6
ji5 ji5 lai4 lai4
dou1 dou1
soeng1 soeng1 on1 on1 mou4 mou4 si6 si6
        speed:   100%
The ten suns worked in regular shifts, so they had always been at peace with each other.

fat1 fat1 jin4 jin4 gaan1 gaan1
jau5 jau5 jat1 jat1 jat6 jat6
nei1 nei1
sap6 sap6
go3 go3
taai3 taai3 joeng4 joeng4
hou2 hou2
soeng2 soeng2
jat1 jat1 cai4 cai4
ceot1 ceot1 heoi3 heoi3
waan2 waan2
gam2 gam2 zau6 zau6
daai6 daai6 wok6 wok6
laa3 laa3
        speed:   100%
Suddenly, one day, these ten suns really wanted to hang out together, which created a big problem.

Image 3 for story
sap6 sap6
go3 go3
taai3 taai3 joeng4 joeng4
tung4 tung4 si4 si4
ceot1 ceot1 jin6 jin6
hai2 hai2
tin1 tin1 hung1 hung1
dei6 dei6 min2 min2
bin3 bin3
dou3 dou3
hou2 hou2
jit6 jit6
hou2 hou2
jit6 jit6
        speed:   100%
Ten suns appeared in the sky at the same time, and the ground became very hot.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.