[Level 5]

maa5 maa5 go1 go1 wai1 wai1     


12 / 14

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pronunciation: Yale jyutping
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Entire story:

Image 13 for story 0262
maa5 maa5 go1 go1 wai1 wai1 nam2 nam2 nam2 nam2 haa5 haa5 heoi3 heoi3 san1 san1 dei6 dei6 fong1 fong1 sang1 sang1 wut6 wut6 , , faan2 faan2 hok6 hok6 . . daan6 daan6 hai6 hai6 , , jyu4 jyu4 gwo2 gwo2 keoi5 keoi5 aa3 aa3 suk1 suk1 gong2 gong2 dak1 dak1 ngaam1 ngaam1 ni1 ni1 , , jyu4 jyu4 gwo2 gwo2 keoi5 keoi5 zan1 zan1 hai6 hai6 ceon2 ceon2 dou3 dou3 hok6 hok6 mat1 mat1 dou1 dou1 mou5 mou5 jung6 jung6 ge3 ge3 waa6 waa6 dim2 dim2 syun3 syun3 aa3 aa3 ? ? jyu4 jyu4 gwo2 gwo2 hai2 hai2 san1 san1 dei6 dei6 fong1 fong1 , , keoi5 keoi5 jau6 jau6 jiu3 jiu3 ngaai4 ngaai4 daa2 daa2 ge3 ge3 waa6 waa6 dim2 dim2 syun3 syun3 aa3 aa3 ? ? keoi5 keoi5 jau5 jau5 siu2 siu2 siu2 siu2 ging1 ging1 , , sam1 sam1 nam2 nam2 : : ho2 ho2 nang4 nang4 ngo5 ngo5 zing2 zing2 ding6 ding6 jiu3 jiu3 fan3 fan3 gaai1 gaai1 gaa3 gaa3 . .
        speed:   100%
Magozwe thought about this new place, and about going to school. What if his uncle was right and he was too stupid to learn anything? What if they beat him at this new place? He was afraid. “Maybe it is better to stay living on the street,” he thought.

Image 14 for story 0262
keoi5 keoi5 zoeng3 zoeng3 zi6 zi6 gei2 gei2 ge3 ge3 nam2 nam2 faat3 faat3 waa6 waa6 bei2 bei2 zo2 zo2 tong1 tong1 maa5 maa5 si1 si1 ting1 ting1 . . tong1 tong1 maa5 maa5 si1 si1 deoi3 deoi3 keoi5 keoi5 ceon4 ceon4 ceon4 ceon4 sin6 sin6 jau5 jau5 , , zung1 zung1 jyu1 jyu1 syut3 syut3 fuk6 fuk6 zo2 zo2 keoi5 keoi5 , , hai2 hai2 san1 san1 dei6 dei6 fong1 fong1 sang1 sang1 wut6 wut6 jat1 jat1 ding6 ding6 wui2 wui2 gang1 gang1 gaa1 gaa1 hou2 hou2 . .
        speed:   100%
He shared his fears with Thomas. Over time the man reassured the boy that life could be better at the new place.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.