[Level 3]

leoi4 leoi4 zai2 zai2     

Donkey Child

3 / 7

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pronunciation: Yale jyutping
show pronunciation: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

Image 9 for story 0201
zeoi3 zeoi3 mei1 mei1 , , keoi5 keoi5 kyut3 kyut3 ding6 ding6 zip3 zip3 sau6 sau6 ni1 ni1 go3 go3 zai2 zai2 , , zou6 zou6 keoi5 keoi5 ge3 ge3 maa1 maa1 mi1 mi1 . .
        speed:   100%
But finally she had to accept that he was her child and she was his mother.

Image 10 for story 0201
jyu4 jyu4 gwo2 gwo2 go3 go3 zai2 zai2 jat1 jat1 zik6 zik6 dou1 dou1 hai6 hai6 gam3 gam3 sai3 sai3 , , m4 m4 wui2 wui2 coeng4 coeng4 daai6 daai6 ge3 ge3 waa6 waa6 , , so2 so2 jau5 jau5 je5 je5 dou1 dou1 wui2 wui2 jik6 jik6 waa6 waa6 wai4 wai4 di1 di1 . . daan6 daan6 hai6 hai6 zek3 zek3 leoi4 leoi4 zai2 zai2 jyut6 jyut6 coeng4 coeng4 jyut6 jyut6 daai6 daai6 , , zoi3 zoi3 m4 m4 nang4 nang4 gau3 gau3 bei2 bei2 maa1 maa1 mi1 mi1 me1 me1 zyu6 zyu6 hai2 hai2 bui3 bui3 zek3 zek3 soeng6 soeng6 min6 min6 . . mou4 mou4 leon6 leon6 keoi5 keoi5 gei2 gei2 nou5 nou5 lik6 lik6 , , ci2 ci2 zung1 zung1 mou4 mou4 fong2 fong2 m4 m4 dou3 dou3 jan4 jan4 leoi6 leoi6 ge3 ge3 hang4 hang4 wai4 wai4 . . keoi5 keoi5 maa1 maa1 mi1 mi1 ging1 ging1 soeng4 soeng4 wui2 wui2 gok3 gok3 dak1 dak1 jau6 jau6 gui6 gui6 jau6 jau6 mang2 mang2 . . jau5 jau5 si4 si4 , , keoi5 keoi5 zung6 zung6 wui2 wui2 giu3 giu3 keoi5 keoi5 zou6 zou6 maai4 maai4 di1 di1 dung6 dung6 mat6 mat6 sin1 sin1 zi3 zi3 wui2 wui2 zou6 zou6 ge3 ge3 cou1 cou1 cung4 cung4 je5 je5 . .
        speed:   100%
Now, if the child had stayed that same, small size, everything might have been different. But the donkey child grew and grew until he could no longer fit on his mother’s back. And no matter how hard he tried, he could not behave like a human being. His mother was often tired and frustrated. Sometimes she made him do work meant for animals.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.