[Level 3]

leoi4 leoi4 zai2 zai2     

Donkey Child

2 / 7

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pronunciation: Yale jyutping
show pronunciation: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

Image 6 for story 0201
dong1 dong1 keoi5 keoi5 dei6 dei6 gin3 gin3 dou3 dou3 go3 go3 zai2 zai2 ge3 ge3 si4 si4 hau6 hau6 , , so2 so2 jau5 jau5 jan4 jan4 dou1 dou1 haak3 haak3 zo2 zo2 jat1 jat1 tiu3 tiu3 , , jat1 jat1 zek3 zek3 leoi4 leoi4 zai2 zai2 ? ?
        speed:   100%
But when they saw the baby, everyone jumped back in shock. “A donkey?!”

Image 7 for story 0201
daai6 daai6 gaa1 gaa1 cat1 cat1 zeoi2 zeoi2 baat3 baat3 sit3 sit3 gam2 gam2 cou4 cou4 hei2 hei2 soeng6 soeng6 lei4 lei4 . . keoi5 keoi5 dei6 dei6 zau6 zau6 waa6 waa6 : : ngo5 ngo5 dei6 dei6 gong2 gong2 gwo3 gwo3 jiu3 jiu3 bou2 bou2 wu6 wu6 ni1 ni1 go3 go3 maa1 maa1 mi1 mi1 tung4 tung4 sai3 sai3 man1 man1 zai2 zai2 ge3 ge3 , , gong2 gong2 dak1 dak1 ceot1 ceot1 zau6 zau6 jiu3 jiu3 zou6 zou6 dak1 dak1 dou3 dou3 . . daan6 daan6 hai6 hai6 zung6 zung6 jau5 jau5 di1 di1 jan4 jan4 zau6 zau6 waa6 waa6 : : daan6 daan6 hai6 hai6 keoi5 keoi5 dei6 dei6 wui2 wui2 to4 to4 seoi1 seoi1 ngo5 ngo5 dei6 dei6 gaa3 gaa3 . .
        speed:   100%
Everyone began to argue. “We said we would keep mother and child safe, and that’s what we’ll do,” said some. “But they will bring us bad luck!” said others.

Image 8 for story 0201
go3 go3 neoi5 neoi5 jan4 jan4 faat3 faat3 jin6 jin6 zi6 zi6 gei2 gei2 jau6 jau6 hai6 hai6 gu1 gu1 ling4 ling4 ling4 ling4 jat1 jat1 go3 go3 jan4 jan4 laak3 laak3 . . keoi5 keoi5 m4 m4 zi1 zi1 dou6 dou6 dim2 dim2 cau3 cau3 go3 go3 gam3 gam3 gwaai3 gwaai3 ge3 ge3 zai2 zai2 , , jik6 jik6 dou1 dou1 m4 m4 zi1 zi1 dou6 dou6 zi6 zi6 gei2 gei2 jing3 jing3 goi1 goi1 dim2 dim2 syun3 syun3 . .
        speed:   100%
And so the woman found herself alone again. She wondered what to do with this awkward child. She wondered what to do with herself.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.