[Level 2]

dim2 dim2 gaai2 gaai2 ho4 ho4 maa5 maa5 mou5 mou5 mou4 mou4     

Why hippos have no hair

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Entire story:

Image 7 for story 0111
gwo3 gwo3 zo2 zo2 zan6 zan6 , , ho4 ho4 maa5 maa5 zing3 zing3 hai2 hai2 lei4 lei4 ho4 ho4 ngon6 ngon6 hou2 hou2 jyun5 jyun5 ge3 ge3 dei6 dei6 fong1 fong1 sik6 sik6 cou2 cou2 . . hung6 hung6 ge3 ge3 jat1 jat1 sing1 sing1 , , fo2 fo2 dat6 dat6 jin4 jin4 gaan1 gaan1 siu1 siu1 hei2 hei2 soeng6 soeng6 lei4 lei4 , , siu1 siu1 dou3 dou3 ho4 ho4 maa5 maa5 san1 san1 soeng6 soeng6 . .
        speed:   100%
Later, Hippo was eating grass far from the river when, “Whoosh!” Fire burst into flame. The flames began to burn Hippo’s hair.

Image 8 for story 0111
ho4 ho4 maa5 maa5 daai6 daai6 aai3 aai3 , , gap1 gap1 zyu6 zyu6 hoeng3 hoeng3 ho4 ho4 bin1 bin1 zau2 zau2 heoi3 heoi3 , , daan6 daan6 hai6 hai6 keoi5 keoi5 ge3 ge3 mou4 mou4 ji5 ji5 ging1 ging1 siu1 siu1 dou3 dou3 mou5 mou5 saai3 saai3 . . ho4 ho4 maa5 maa5 hou2 hou2 soeng1 soeng1 sam1 sam1 gam2 gam2 waa6 waa6 : : ngo5 ngo5 ge3 ge3 mou4 mou4 cyun4 cyun4 bou6 bou6 bei6 bei6 fo2 fo2 siu1 siu1 saai3 saai3 ! ! nei5 nei5 siu1 siu1 saai3 saai3 ngo5 ngo5 di1 di1 mou4 mou4 ! ! cyun4 cyun4 bou6 bou6 m4 m4 gin3 gin3 zo2 zo2 ! ! ngo5 ngo5 hou2 hou2 leng3 leng3 ge3 ge3 mou4 mou4 ! !
        speed:   100%
Hippo started to cry and ran for the water. All her hair was burned off by the fire. Hippo kept crying, “My hair has burned in the fire! My hair is all gone! My beautiful hair!”

Image 9 for story 0111
ho4 ho4 maa5 maa5 ge3 ge3 mou4 mou4 siu1 siu1 zo2 zo2 , , tou3 tou3 zai2 zai2 zau6 zau6 hou2 hou2 gou1 gou1 hing1 hing1 . . zik6 zik6 dou3 dou3 gam1 gam1 jat6 jat6 , , ho4 ho4 maa5 maa5 dou1 dou1 m4 m4 gam2 gam2 lei4 lei4 ho4 ho4 ngon6 ngon6 taai3 taai3 jyun5 jyun5 , , jan1 jan1 wai4 wai4 keoi5 keoi5 ging1 ging1 jau6 jau6 jiu3 jiu3 bei6 bei6 fo2 fo2 siu1 siu1 laa1 laa1 . .
        speed:   100%
Rabbit was happy that Hippo’s hair was burned. And to this day, for fear of fire, the hippo never goes far from the water.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.