[Level 4]

zi2 zi2 mat6 mat6 niu5 niu5 ge3 ge3 bou3 bou3 sau4 sau4     

The Honeyguide's revenge

7 / 11

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pronunciation: Yale jyutping
show pronunciation: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

Image 8 for story 0072
daan6 daan6 hai6 hai6 gin6 gin6 gei1 gei1 lei6 lei6 zau6 zau6 mit6 mit6 zo2 zo2 go3 go3 fo2 fo2 , , nik1 nik1 hei2 hei2 zo2 zo2 tiu4 tiu4 coeng4 coeng4 maau4 maau4 , , hoi1 hoi1 ci2 ci2 zau2 zau2 faan2 faan2 uk1 uk1 kei5 kei5 , , zaa3 zaa3 dai3 dai3 tai2 tai2 m4 m4 gin3 gin3 noi6 noi6 gat1 gat1 go3 go3 joeng6 joeng6 . . noi6 noi6 gat1 gat1 daai6 daai6 faat3 faat3 leoi4 leoi4 ting4 ting4 gam2 gam2 giu3 giu3 zyu6 zyu6 : : bei2 bei2 mat6 mat6 tong4 tong4 ngo5 ngo5 ! ! bei2 bei2 mat6 mat6 tong4 tong4 ngo5 ngo5 ! ! gin6 gin6 gei1 gei1 lei6 lei6 ting4 ting4 dai1 dai1 zo2 zo2 lok6 lok6 lei4 lei4 , , ding1 ding1 zyu6 zyu6 siu2 siu2 zoek3 zoek3 zai2 zai2 , , daai6 daai6 siu3 siu3 gam2 gam2 zau6 zau6 waa6 waa6 : : lou5 lou5 jau5 jau5 aa1 aa1 , , nei5 nei5 dou1 dou1 soeng2 soeng2 sik6 sik6 mat6 mat6 tong4 tong4 aa3 aa3 , , hai6 hai6 m4 m4 hai6 hai6 ? ? haa1 haa1 haa1 haa1 , , ngo5 ngo5 zou6 zou6 zo2 zo2 gam3 gam3 do1 do1 je5 je5 , , jau6 jau6 bei6 bei6 zam1 zam1 zo2 zo2 gam3 gam3 do1 do1 daam6 daam6 ! ! ngo5 ngo5 dim2 dim2 gaai2 gaai2 jiu3 jiu3 tung4 tung4 nei5 nei5 fan1 fan1 hoeng2 hoeng2 ni1 ni1 di1 di1 mat6 mat6 tong4 tong4 sin1 sin1 ? ? gong2 gong2 jyun4 jyun4 , , gin6 gin6 gei1 gei1 lei6 lei6 zau6 zau6 zau2 zau2 jyun5 jyun5 zo2 zo2 laa1 laa1 . . noi6 noi6 gat1 gat1 gik1 gik1 dou3 dou3 fat6 fat6 dou1 dou1 jau5 jau5 fo2 fo2 , , keoi5 keoi5 dou1 dou1 cung4 cung4 loi4 loi4 mou5 mou5 si3 si3 gwo3 gwo3 bei6 bei6 jan4 jan4 gam2 gam2 joeng6 joeng6 deoi3 deoi3 doi6 doi6 ! ! bat1 bat1 gwo3 gwo3 keoi5 keoi5 sat6 sat6 wui2 wui2 bou3 bou3 sau4 sau4 ge3 ge3 . .
        speed:   100%
But, Gingile put out the fire, picked up his spear and started walking home, ignoring the bird. Ngede called out angrily, “VIC-torr! VIC-torrr!” Gingile stopped, stared at the little bird and laughed aloud. “You want some honey, do you, my friend? Ha! But I did all the work, and got all the stings. Why should I share any of this lovely honey with you?” Then he walked off. Ngede was furious! This was no way to treat him! But he would get his revenge.

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