[Level 4]

zi2 zi2 mat6 mat6 niu5 niu5 ge3 ge3 bou3 bou3 sau4 sau4     

The Honeyguide's revenge

5 / 11

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pronunciation: Yale jyutping
show pronunciation: revealed hidden
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reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

Image 6 for story 0072
siu2 siu2 mat6 mat6 fung1 fung1 cyun4 cyun4 bou6 bou6 dou1 dou1 fei1 fei1 zo2 zo2 ceot1 ceot1 lei4 lei4 laa1 laa1 , , gin6 gin6 gei1 gei1 lei6 lei6 jat1 jat1 zek3 zek3 sau2 sau2 san1 san1 jap6 jap6 go3 go3 fung1 fung1 dau3 dau3 jap6 jap6 min6 min6 , , gwat6 gwat6 dou3 dou3 hou2 hou2 do1 do1 faai3 faai3 mat6 mat6 tong4 tong4 , , jau6 jau6 tim4 tim4 jau6 jau6 hoeng1 hoeng1 ge3 ge3 mat6 mat6 tong4 tong4 jau4 jau4 mat6 mat6 tong4 tong4 faai3 faai3 soeng6 soeng6 min6 min6 dik6 dik6 lok6 lok6 lei4 lei4 , , tai2 tai2 hei2 hei2 lei4 lei4 gik6 gik6 hou2 hou2 mei6 mei6 gam2 gam2 . . keoi5 keoi5 siu2 siu2 sam1 sam1 jik6 jik6 jik6 jik6 gam2 gam2 zau6 zau6 zoeng3 zoeng3 di1 di1 mat6 mat6 tong4 tong4 faai3 faai3 fong3 fong3 jap6 jap6 bok3 bok3 tau4 tau4 soeng6 soeng6 ge3 ge3 doi2 doi2 , , maan6 maan6 maan6 maan6 gam2 gam2 jau4 jau4 syu6 syu6 soeng6 soeng6 min6 min6 paa4 paa4 faan2 faan2 lok6 lok6 lei4 lei4 . .
        speed:   100%
When the bees were out, Gingile pushed his hands into the nest. He took out handfuls of the heavy comb, dripping with rich honey and full of fat, white grubs. He put the comb carefully in the pouch he carried on his shoulder, and started to climb down the tree.

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