[Level 4]

zi2 zi2 mat6 mat6 niu5 niu5 ge3 ge3 bou3 bou3 sau4 sau4     

The Honeyguide's revenge

4 / 11

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character size:
pronunciation: Yale jyutping
show pronunciation: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

Image 5 for story 0072
mou5 mou5 gei2 gei2 noi6 noi6 zi1 zi1 hau6 hau6 ni1 ni1 gin6 gin6 gei1 gei1 lei6 lei6 zau6 zau6 ting1 ting1 dou3 dou3 siu2 siu2 mat6 mat6 fung1 fung1 fei1 fei1 lei4 lei4 fei1 fei1 heoi3 heoi3 ge3 ge3 jung1 jung1 jung1 jung1 sing1 sing1 . . keoi5 keoi5 dei6 dei6 hai2 hai2 syu6 syu6 ge3 ge3 zyu2 zyu2 gon3 gon3 jap6 jap6 min6 min6 zuk1 zuk1 zo2 zo2 go3 go3 dau3 dau3 , , zing3 zing3 mong4 mong4 zyu6 zyu6 fei1 fei1 jap6 jap6 heoi3 heoi3 jau6 jau6 fei1 fei1 ceot1 ceot1 lei4 lei4 gam2 gam2 . . dong1 dong1 gin6 gin6 gei1 gei1 lei6 lei6 paa4 paa4 dou3 dou3 fung1 fung1 dau3 dau3 cyu3 cyu3 ge3 ge3 si4 si4 hau6 hau6 , , keoi5 keoi5 zoeng3 zoeng3 syu6 syu6 zi1 zi1 zung6 zung6 siu1 siu1 gan2 gan2 ge3 ge3 jat1 jat1 dyun1 dyun1 maang5 maang5 gam2 gam2 duk1 duk1 go3 go3 fung1 fung1 dau3 dau3 . . baan1 baan1 siu2 siu2 mat6 mat6 fung1 fung1 hou2 hou2 paa3 paa3 jin1 jin1 , , zau6 zau6 sik6 sik6 zo2 zo2 fo2 fo2 joek6 joek6 gam2 gam2 cyun4 cyun4 bou6 bou6 dou1 dou1 fei1 fei1 saai3 saai3 ceot1 ceot1 lei4 lei4 , , zung6 zung6 seon6 seon6 bin6 bin6 zam1 zam1 gin6 gin6 gei1 gei1 lei6 lei6 gei2 gei2 daam6 daam6 , , zam1 zam1 zam1 zam1 dou1 dou1 gat1 gat1 dou3 dou3 keoi5 keoi5 tung3 tung3 . .
        speed:   100%
Soon he could hear the loud buzzing of the busy bees. They were coming in and out of a hollow in the tree trunk – their hive. When Gingile reached the hive he pushed the smoking end of the stick into the hollow. The bees came rushing out, angry and mean. They flew away because they didn’t like the smoke – but not before they had given Gingile some painful stings!

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