[Level 4]

zi2 zi2 mat6 mat6 niu5 niu5 ge3 ge3 bou3 bou3 sau4 sau4     

The Honeyguide's revenge

2 / 11

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pronunciation: Yale jyutping
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Entire story:

Image 3 for story 0072
gwo3 gwo3 zo2 zo2 bun3 bun3 go3 go3 zung1 zung1 gam3 gam3 soeng6 soeng6 haa6 haa6 , , keoi5 keoi5 dei6 dei6 dou3 dou3 zo2 zo2 jat1 jat1 fo2 fo2 geoi6 geoi6 daai6 daai6 ge3 ge3 je5 je5 mou4 mou4 faa1 faa1 gwo2 gwo2 syu6 syu6 dai2 dai2 haa6 haa6 . . noi6 noi6 gat1 gat1 hai2 hai2 syu6 syu6 zi1 zi1 zi1 zi1 gaan1 gaan1 tiu3 tiu3 lei4 lei4 tiu3 tiu3 heoi3 heoi3 , , jin4 jin4 zi1 zi1 hau6 hau6 hai2 hai2 kei4 kei4 zung1 zung1 zi1 zi1 jat1 jat1 tiu4 tiu4 syu6 syu6 zi1 zi1 soeng6 soeng6 min6 min6 ting4 ting4 dai1 dai1 zo2 zo2 lok6 lok6 lei4 lei4 , , keoi5 keoi5 waai1 waai1 zyu6 zyu6 go3 go3 tau4 tau4 mong6 mong6 zyu6 zyu6 gin6 gin6 gei1 gei1 lei6 lei6 , , hou2 hou2 ci5 ci5 hai2 hai2 dou6 dou6 tung4 tung4 keoi5 keoi5 gong2 gong2 : : zau6 zau6 hai6 hai6 ni1 ni1 dou6 dou6 laa1 laa1 ! ! faai3 faai3 di1 di1 lei4 lei4 laa1 laa1 ! ! zou6 zou6 mat1 mat1 maan6 maan6 tan1 tan1 tan1 tan1 gaa3 gaa3 ? ? gin6 gin6 gei1 gei1 lei6 lei6 kei5 kei5 hai2 hai2 fo2 fo2 syu6 syu6 dai2 dai2 haa6 haa6 , , jat1 jat1 zek3 zek3 mat6 mat6 fung1 fung1 dou1 dou1 tai2 tai2 m4 m4 dou3 dou3 , , daan6 daan6 hai6 hai6 keoi5 keoi5 seon3 seon3 noi6 noi6 gat1 gat1 m4 m4 wui2 wui2 aak1 aak1 keoi5 keoi5 gaa3 gaa3 . .
        speed:   100%
After half an hour, they reached a huge wild fig tree. Ngede hopped about madly among the branches. He then settled on one branch and cocked his head at Gingile as if to say, “Here it is! Come now! What is taking you so long?” Gingile couldn’t see any bees from under the tree, but he trusted Ngede.

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