[Level 4]

zi2 zi2 mat6 mat6 niu5 niu5 ge3 ge3 bou3 bou3 sau4 sau4     

The Honeyguide's revenge

11 / 11

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character size:
pronunciation: Yale jyutping
show pronunciation: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

Image 12 for story 0072
gam2 gam2 ji5 ji5 hau6 hau6 ni1 ni1 , , dong1 dong1 gin6 gin6 gei1 gei1 lei6 lei6 baan1 baan1 sai3 sai3 lou6 lou6 zai2 zai2 ting1 ting1 dou3 dou3 noi6 noi6 gat1 gat1 ge3 ge3 gu3 gu3 zai2 zai2 , , keoi5 keoi5 dei6 dei6 dou1 dou1 fei1 fei1 soeng4 soeng4 zi1 zi1 zyun1 zyun1 cung4 cung4 ni1 ni1 zek3 zek3 sai3 sai3 zoek3 zoek3 zai2 zai2 . . keoi5 keoi5 dei6 dei6 mui5 mui5 ci3 ci3 coi2 coi2 mat6 mat6 tong4 tong4 ge3 ge3 si4 si4 hau6 hau6 , , jik6 jik6 dou1 dou1 wui2 wui2 zoeng3 zoeng3 zeoi3 zeoi3 daai6 daai6 ge3 ge3 jat1 jat1 faai3 faai3 lau4 lau4 bei2 bei2 zi2 zi2 mat6 mat6 niu5 niu5 laa1 laa1 . .
        speed:   100%
And so, when the children of Gingile hear the story of Ngede they have respect for the little bird. Whenever they harvest honey, they make sure to leave the biggest part of the comb for Honeyguide!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.