[Level 3]

no4 no4 zi1 zi1 bei1 bei1 lei6 lei6 tung4 tung4 saam1 saam1 tiu4 tiu4 tau4 tau4 faat3 faat3     

Nozibele and the three hairs

5 / 6

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pronunciation: Yale jyutping
show pronunciation: revealed hidden
drawing speed: slow fast
reading speed: 100%

Entire story:

Image 13 for story 0066
zek3 zek3 gau2 gau2 faan2 faan2 dou3 dou3 uk1 uk1 kei5 kei5 zi1 zi1 hau6 hau6 , , zau6 zau6 hoi1 hoi1 ci2 ci2 wan2 wan2 no4 no4 zi1 zi1 bei1 bei1 lei6 lei6 : : no4 no4 zi1 zi1 bei1 bei1 lei6 lei6 , , nei5 nei5 hai2 hai2 bin1 bin1 dou6 dou6 aa3 aa3 ? ? dai6 dai6 jat1 jat1 tiu4 tiu4 tau4 tau4 faat3 faat3 zau6 zau6 waa6 waa6 : : ngo5 ngo5 hai2 hai2 ni1 ni1 dou6 dou6 , , hai2 hai2 zoeng1 zoeng1 cong4 cong4 haa6 haa6 min6 min6 . . dai6 dai6 ji6 ji6 tiu4 tiu4 tau4 tau4 faat3 faat3 zau6 zau6 waa6 waa6 : : ngo5 ngo5 hai2 hai2 ni1 ni1 dou6 dou6 , , hai2 hai2 dou6 dou6 mun4 mun4 hau6 hau6 min6 min6 . . dai6 dai6 saam1 saam1 tiu4 tiu4 tau4 tau4 faat3 faat3 zau6 zau6 waa6 waa6 : : ngo5 ngo5 hai2 hai2 ni1 ni1 dou6 dou6 , , hai2 hai2 go3 go3 wai4 wai4 laan4 laan4 soeng6 soeng6 min6 min6 . .
        speed:   100%
When the dog came back, he looked for Nozibele. “Nozibele, where are you?” he shouted. “I’m here, under the bed,” said the first hair. “I’m here, behind the door,” said the second hair. “I’m here, in the kraal,” said the third hair.

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