[Level 3]

no4 no4 zi1 zi1 bei1 bei1 lei6 lei6 tung4 tung4 saam1 saam1 tiu4 tiu4 tau4 tau4 faat3 faat3     

Nozibele and the three hairs

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pronunciation: Yale jyutping
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Entire story:

Image 5 for story 0066
dong1 dong1 keoi5 keoi5 dei6 dei6 zau6 zau6 faai3 faai3 faan2 faan2 dou3 dou3 uk1 uk1 kei5 kei5 ge3 ge3 si4 si4 hau6 hau6 , , no4 no4 zi1 zi1 bei1 bei1 lei6 lei6 mo2 mo2 haa5 haa5 tiu4 tiu4 geng2 geng2 , , faat3 faat3 jin6 jin6 m4 m4 gin3 gin3 zo2 zo2 tiu4 tiu4 geng2 geng2 lin2 lin2 laak3 laak3 . . keoi5 keoi5 ngai1 ngai1 kau4 kau4 loeng5 loeng5 go3 go3 hou2 hou2 jau5 jau5 zau6 zau6 waa6 waa6 : : tung4 tung4 ngo5 ngo5 jat1 jat1 cai4 cai4 faan2 faan2 heoi3 heoi3 wan2 wan2 haa5 haa5 laa1 laa1 ! ! daan6 daan6 hai6 hai6 keoi5 keoi5 ge3 ge3 pang4 pang4 jau5 jau5 dou1 dou1 waa6 waa6 taai3 taai3 aan3 aan3 laa1 laa1 . .
        speed:   100%
When they were nearly home, Nozibele put her hand to her neck. She had forgotten her necklace! “Please come back with me!” she begged her friends. But her friends said it was too late.

Image 6 for story 0066
no4 no4 zi1 zi1 bei1 bei1 lei6 lei6 jat1 jat1 go3 go3 jan4 jan4 faan2 faan2 dou3 dou3 ho4 ho4 bin1 bin1 , , wan2 wan2 dou3 dou3 tiu4 tiu4 geng2 geng2 lin2 lin2 , , faai3 faai3 faai3 faai3 ceoi3 ceoi3 ceoi3 ceoi3 faan2 faan2 uk1 uk1 kei5 kei5 , , daan6 daan6 hai6 hai6 ji5 ji5 ging1 ging1 hak1 hak1 maa1 maa1 maa1 maa1 , , gam2 gam2 keoi5 keoi5 zau6 zau6 dong6 dong6 sat1 sat1 lou6 lou6 laa1 laa1 . .
        speed:   100%
So Nozibele went back to the river alone. She found her necklace and hurried home. But she got lost in the dark.

Image 7 for story 0066
keoi5 keoi5 hoeng2 hoeng2 jyun5 jyun5 cyu3 cyu3 gin3 gin3 dou3 dou3 gaan1 gaan1 zoek6 zoek6 zo2 zo2 dang1 dang1 ge3 ge3 siu2 siu2 maau4 maau4 uk1 uk1 . . keoi5 keoi5 zau2 zau2 dou3 dou3 maau4 maau4 uk1 uk1 mun4 mun4 hau2 hau2 , , paak3 paak3 paak3 paak3 haa5 haa5 dou6 dou6 mun4 mun4 . .
        speed:   100%
In the distance she saw light coming from a hut. She hurried towards it and knocked at the door.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.